Branding, Product Design & Motion Design

LG Electronics and Arizona State University's Innovation Space embarked on an exciting year-long collaboration, bringing together a diverse interdisciplinary team consisting of an industrial designer, graphic designer, engineer, business major, and sustainability major. The collective mission was to conduct extensive research, conceptualize innovative ideas, and prototype wind comfort/fan technology-related products that directly address specific challenges faced by people in the United States. This dynamic partnership fostered a vibrant environment of collaboration and creativity, culminating in the development of innovative solutions to real-world problems.

LG Electronics and Innovation Space logo
Image of team member 1
Image of team member 2
Image of team member 3
Image of team member 4

The Mission

Throughout our exploration of various air comfort technologies available in the market, one particular issue caught our attention: the lack of control and customization of airflow within homes. Homeowners often struggled to maintain consistent temperatures in different rooms, despite setting their AC temperature to a low degree. As a result, they faced inflated electric bills and discomfort. Intrigued by this challenge, our team delved into understanding the inefficiencies of current HVAC systems, identifying areas for improvement, and exploring existing solutions and technologies to address these issues.

After six months of brainstorming and ideation, we had our breakthrough: Ciel.

During the second semester, we meticulously mapped out the key elements that would define our brand, conducted thorough market research, engaged in user interviews, and explored the desired aesthetic and user experience for our product. Through the power of sketching, we redesigned our product and laid the foundation for our working prototype. Once we reached significant milestones, we enlisted professional 3D printing services to bring our vision to life, making necessary customizations along the way.

Image of the 3 initial concepts
Sketches of the Ciel vent product
Collage image of the working prototype

The Branding

In light of Ciel being a wind comfort product, my vision for the brand was to create something that exuded simplicity and modernity.

Drawing inspiration from the name itself, which translates to "sky" in both French and Spanish, I carefully curated a color palette that resonated with this choice.

Recognizing the importance of a versatile and recognizable logo, I aimed to design a mark that could stand on its own or be seamlessly paired with a custom logotype. After numerous iterations and rebranding attempts, Ciel ultimately found its rightful place by establishing a compelling mission statement, core values, and a distinct brand identity. This project was an eye-opening experience, revealing the intricacies involved in bringing a brand to life.

Ciel logo
Gif of initial ciel logos
Color palette
Icon version of logo

The Website

The landing page is thoughtfully designed to provide a brief overview of what Ciel is and the benefits it brings to customers.

Located in the top navigation, customers have the convenient option to make a purchase by simply clicking the designated button. Additionally, there is a dedicated section where customers can delve deeper and explore detailed information and specifications about the product.

Image of Ciel website
Scroll through animation of Ciel Website

The Exhibit

For my final senior project, I undertook the exciting challenge of building and designing an exhibit to showcase our innovative product, Ciel using laser cutters, wood working and paint.

Considering that Ciel is a home feature, I opted to highlight its essence by preserving its natural wood finish. Drawing inspiration from Dyson's captivating in-store displays, I collaborated with the talented industrial designer, Luke Ayala, to create a custom wood pocket. This pocket not only served as a laptop stand but also functioned as a screen to showcase our engaging video during the exhibition.

Within the exhibit, we proudly displayed each of our products, accompanied by concise descriptions highlighting their unique functionalities. A fully functional prototype of Ciel also took center stage, allowing visitors to experience its capabilities firsthand. Additionally, we showcased our comprehensive brand book, providing an in-depth look into the ethos and design principles of our brand. As a delightful token, custom keychains bearing our brand were offered as complimentary takeaways for the public.

The exhibit successfully captured the essence of Ciel, showcasing its elegance and functionality while engaging visitors with our captivating displays and interactive elements.




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