Direct Mail, Landing Pages & Email Marketing

Being the sole comprehensive fintech marketplace bank of its kind, LendingClub Bank assists customers in acquiring loans at the most favorable rates and terms tailored to their needs. During my time at Lift, my team and I were able to impress LendingClub Bank by consistently taking the creative for D2C mailers to the next level. The success we achieved got the LendingClub team excited, leading them to put their trust in us to do the same magic for their email marketing. My task was a big one – not only to increase their pool of applicants but also to shape and optimize our creative approach and team. This meant we needed to come up with fresh ideas and execute them according to what the business needed.

From Mailbox to Entry

The process of effective customer engagement involves building trust, removing barriers, and ensuring simplicity. This is where an actionable direct mailer comes in, sparking interest and encouraging further action. When the prospect reaches the landing page, the foundation laid by the mailer proves vital. The landing page aligns with the mailer's promises, providing detailed information and guiding the prospect toward a decision. This cohesive journey, from initial contact through the direct mailer to final conversion on the landing page, ensures a seamless and persuasive experience.

A Closer Look

In addition to the landing page, the direct mail components encompassed an offer letter complemented by captivating lifestyle visuals. Accompanying this was a postcard insert featuring testimonials, an offer code, and a convenient QR code for accessing the latest rates.

More Winning Direct Mail

Debuted in the summer of 2022 as an added financial resource for Members, Stackit ingeniously locates cashback rewards and coupons across over 15,000 well-known online retailers. Among the many projects with LendingClub was the formulation of an initial framework and toolkit for Stackit, which would serve as a foundation for LendingClub’s branding team to further develop. I helped designed email templates featuring adaptable and interchangeable modules for experimentation, while also highlighting the advantages for customers and presenting potential use case scenarios.

Introducing Stackit from LendingClub

Debuted in the summer of 2022 as an added financial resource for Members, Stackit ingeniously locates cashback rewards and coupons across over 15,000 well-known online retailers. Among the many projects undertaken by my team was the formulation of an initial framework and toolkit for Stackit, which would serve as a foundation for LendingClub’s branding team to further develop. I helped designed email templates featuring adaptable and interchangeable modules for experimentation, while also highlighting the advantages for customers and presenting potential use case scenarios.




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